Monthly Archives: March 2011
Source: Huffington Post You’re an expert chef with a beautiful restaurant, friendly staff and great food. In the past, you’ve successfully managed your customer flow through traditional advertising in local newspapers and you sponsor the local little league. Business is great, but a similar restaurant just opened up a few blocks away, and it’s generating lots of buzz. The restaurant is using social media to its advantage, growing its customer base at an accelerated pace, and you’re starting to lose[...] Continue Reading
Source: Miami Herald Split testing is a powerful direct marketing tool pioneered some 100 years ago but still in use today. This headline stopped me cold: “The Guaranteed Way to Radically Improve Your Copywriting.” I kept on reading “The best copywriters continue to radically improve their copy over time. They know how to create copy that works even when it defies common sense. They use split testing to radically improve their copy.” Split testing is one of those direct[...] Continue Reading
Source: Sign on San Diego If you were an airplane pilot, would you dare fly without all the instruments in the control panel of your cockpit? Of course not. Yet, many marketers and business owners today are forgetting one important thing as they race to build out their web and social media programs: measuring their success. Being a data-driven marketer, establishing a culture of measurement within your organization, can’t be understated. Only through measurement can you make the best decisions[...] Continue Reading
Source: Biz Community 2011 looks set to be an exciting year for the digital marketing world, with a great deal of action likely to take place in the mobile and social media spaces. Here are a few of the trends I expect to see shaping the year ahead. Content as engagement Quality content will be more important than ever before during 2011, for publishers and marketers alike. To be truly effective, content will need to be useful and interesting to[...] Continue Reading
Source: Hubpages In SEO world, location is very significant. Search engine deliver relevant results to users not only through keywords searched but also in the language used as well. People from United States of America will be surely annoyed if the search results are written in Chinese. A good search engine has to be capable of giving the results in the appropriate language and the nearest possible location of the hosting server of the website with the corresponding content to[...] Continue Reading
Source: Mashable, Author – Andy Beal 1. Know your achilles heel Do you know your weaknesses? No, seriously! I don’t mean the “we try too hard to please our customers” bunk. Do you know the flaws in your products, the areas of your service that suck, or the member of your management team most likely to stick his foot firmly in his mouth? If Kryptonite had known their locks could be picked with Bic pen, they might have been able[...] Continue Reading
Source: Branding Strategy Insider 1. Well-known – without awareness, nothing else counts; a brand can’t be in people’s purchase consideration sets unless they are aware of the brand 2. Relevant – the brand must be perceived to be relevant to people’s hopes, needs and desires 3. Differentiated – to stand out among competitive alternatives, the brand must be unique in ways that matter to customers 4. Customer-Centric – only when the brand knows its customers and their needs well, can[...] Continue Reading
Source: Now Toronto How much longer can we argue over computer languages? Years, it looks like. Now in year two of successive debates over Flash and HTML5 at SXSWi, there is still no clear winner. But at least there are signs of a solution. Maybe. Flash is stalwart developer language that has brought as much good to the web as bad. Video, interactivity, amazing animations, and thousands of other innovations in web that can go unnoticed are thanks to Flash.[...] Continue Reading
Source: Mobile Dev Design As consumers turn to their mobile devices for Web access, smart Web developers will keep key features in mind as they develop their sites Almost every report on mobile usage statistics and forecasts says the same thing—more and more people are turning to their mobiles for access to the Internet. In the U.S. and Western Europe, people are increasingly using their BlackBerries, iPhones, and other smart phones to access information on the move. In many countries,[...] Continue Reading
Source: Getting traffic to new websites is a tricky part to online business. One of the popular methods to fast track the popularity of a website is to launch into paid search advertising. It takes time for a website to develop far enough to get organic listings with the results of search engine listings. Sites take time to get noticed amidst the amount of similar sites. You need a way to get your site noticed and let people know[...] Continue Reading