About: Butch Flarida
Recent Posts by Butch Flarida

Microdata Google is going to be pushing a lot of focus in 2014 on ‘rich snippets’. “Snippets—the few lines of text that appear under every search result—are designed to give users a sense for what’s on the page and why it’s relevant to their query. If Google understands the content on your pages, we can create rich snippets—detailed information intended to help users with specific queries” – via Google. Do you have rich snippets and schema mark-up for your name?[...] Continue Reading

Over the next few days, you will notice your Google+ Page looking quite a bit different. There are a number of reasons Google is doing this. First and foremost, Google wants the Plus Pages to be consistent across all devices, large and small. These changes make the flow much more cohesive, no matter what device you are using. Your Google+ Page can now have 1, 2 or 3 columns to it, with the emphasis being on larger sized media content[...] Continue Reading

Find the Meta Keyword Tag and stuff it full of keywords, dozens of them, and be sure to put them in every page of your site. This will certainly get you to Page #1 of Google, Bing & Yahoo, right? Yeah, if it was 2006…the fact is, keywords and the Meta Keyword Tag are a thing of the past. Using them not only brings no benefit to speak of, they can actually now hurt your website rankings. Google’s own Matt[...] Continue Reading

Google announced that they are penalizing websites for using spammy structured data markup. The big controversy is that Google will be applying this penalty based on incorrect usage of markup, REGARDLESS of whether it was actually spam or just user error. This is the warning you will see in your Google Webmaster account: “Markup on some pages on this site appears to use techniques such as marking up content that is invisible to users, marking up irrelevant or misleading content,[...] Continue Reading

Google just recently announced that Google Places will now have a Reviews tab, which will allow business owners to see all their customer reviews in one place. Businesses will also be able to respond to the reviews directly from the new Reviews tab. Google said: “Today, we’re introducing Reviews in Google Places for Business. Now you can learn what your customers are saying about your business on Google and across the web, in one place. If you have a verified[...] Continue Reading
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