Google+ Introduces Communities
‘Google+ is supposedly the fastest growing social media network on the web‘, says, you guessed it… Google! But, I do agree. The dark days of Google+ are slowly fading. The sun is starting to peak through the clouds. Not many people use Google+ regularly, but the geeks at Google are once again doing their best to entice you. So, lucky us, Google has decided to add Google+ Communities. Let’s see what all the hype is about shall we?
Watch the Google+ Communities video here… http://youtu.be/lpUDWCSRQIU
Google is giving its audience an easier way to interact with one another regarding products, etc. Google+ users will no longer need to use 3rd party sites such as Chowhound, instead they will be able to access Communities from their Google+ profile. Isn’t that kind of what Google Groups does? Yeah. This is where the grey area begins. Google has a track record of taking products and continuously merging them into some interlocked product of Google+. I understand their theory of everything under one roof, but what does this do to incentivize consumers and advertisers? That is yet to be seen. I imagine a slow warp into the existing Google ad platform maybe? I trust Google knows what they are doing and they aren’t simply wasting their time on random projects, but I’m not sure I believe that people will implement Google+ into their daily internet life. It is great for seo, so it’s possible. I just don’t see it happening immediately. It does help that when you sign up for a Gmail account you instantly have access to a Google+ account. That keeps the AOL mail users away from me. I like that.